These “7 Values” Provide a Firm Foundation for Transformational Gospel Advancing Youth Ministry
Intercessory prayer fuels it.
Intercessory prayer is the engine of a Gospel Advancing Ministry. When you lead from your knees, you see teenagers transformed spiritually, and they learn to leverage the same unstoppable prayer power on behalf of their campuses, classmates and communities.
Leaders fully embrace and model it.
Jesus said, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). What’s true of a rabbi is true of a youth leader. If you want your students to prioritize relational evangelism, you and your leaders must consistently set the pace personally.
A bold vision focuses it.
Establishing a bold vision for your ministry that can only be accomplished in God’s strength inspires your entire group. It gives everyone something to push for, pray for and praise God for.
The biggest, boldest, best vision ever articulated is found in Matthew 28:19-20.
Ongoing programs reflect it.
In youth ministry, we program out our priorities. When evangelism and disciple multiplication are real priorities in your ministry, they are consistently built into your weekly youth group program rundown sheet, and become a focus throughout your annual youth ministry calendar.